Forthcoming Books [Spring 2024 Edition]

The Navigator´s Children (Book #4 of THE LAST KING OF Osten Ard, coming November 12th, 2024

Tad is currently working on several new novels.

Tad had been working on the next volume in THE LAST KING OF OSTEN ARD for some time, when he realized that he would not be able to fit all of the story in one volume that would be publishable, so he and his publishers decided to split the book into two, smaller more manageable volumes. Rest assured, these volumes will still be Tad-sized (i.e. quite gargantuan). Tad has now published the third book – now called Into the Narrowdark in the US and the UK. He is has also finished the – now – fourth and final book that will now be The Navigator’s Children. US und UK publication will now be in November 2024.

Tad and his wife Deborah Beale are also working on the third ORDINARY FARM novel, currently titled The Heirs of Ordinary Farm. There is no publication date for this book yet. However, this is Tad’s current project now LAST KING is finished.

Tad has also sold two new books to his US publishers. The first of the two books, which will be his next project after the third ORDINARY FARM book, is The Splintered Sun. Set in Williams’ beloved and well-known fantasy world of Osten Ard, this new novel follows the adventures of Robin Hood-esque figure Flann Alderwood and his band of misfit rebels in one of Osten Ard’s oldest and strangest cities, Crannhyr. He has already begun preliminary work on the book, while also working and the next ORDINARY FARM title.

Reprints & New Releases Elsewhere

Tad´s very first novel Tailchaser´s Song, originally published in 1985, will have two new editions this year. On February 17th, Tad´s German publisher Klett-Cotta will be publishing a new trade paperback edition with new cover art. His longtime US publishers DAW Books will publish a new trade paperback edition on May 21st.

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